Vice Chairman
Relevant Experiences (Since 2008) Developing technologies in Armenia for export & worldwide sales
- Chief Executive Officer – PSI
(Since 2008) Developing technologies in Armenia for export & worldwide sales
- Game changing early warning border security system
- World shaping medical sensorstechnology development
- Chief Executive Officer – GII
(Since 2012) Marketing PSI technologies in USA and worldwide sales
- Hughes Aircraft Company: from 1969 to 1999
- Program Director of many technology programs
- Director of marketing
- Director of Corporate Quality
- Recipient of prestigious Malcolm Currie Innovation Award
- Raytheon Company: from 1999 to 2004
- Levon was invited by Raytheon to resolve several technology challenged programs
- See separate sheet for details for accomplishments for Raytheon and Hughes Aircraft companies.
- Humanitarian Projects in Armenia and Artsakh (separate sheet)
- Raytheon Company: from 1999 to 2004
- 1963 – Graduated from Kooshesh Davtian High School, Tehran, Iran.
- 1963 – Immigrated from Iran to USA.
- 1964 to 1985 attended University of California (UCLA)
- BS 1968,
- Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) at UCLA
- Master of Science in Electronic Engineering 1971,
- Master of Science in Executive Engineering 1985,
- Anderson School of Business & Executive Marketing 1986
- 1969 to1971 – Served military duties working in Hughes Aircraft Co. Lifetime of learning and creative experiences in USA’s military industrial complex using emerging technologies, developments, & produced modern
- 1999 – Retired from Hughes Aircraft Co. after 30 years.
Summary Resume
Technology developments at Raytheon, and Hughes Aircraft Companies in USA, and PSI in Armenia. Humanitarian activities (separate sheet).
2008 to Present – Founder of Precision Sensors & Instruments (PSI). Invested in Armenia, developing Seismic Intruder Detection Systems to protect state borders, manufacture to export for worldwide sales: www.psi.am
2012 to Present – Founded Global Innovations Inc (GII) in USA marketing, investing in Armenian technologies for worldwide sales: www.gii-systems.com
2004 – Raytheon Program Director – Tactical Tomahawk Development & Production.
2003 – Raytheon Program Director – JASSM Development & Production.
2000 – Raytheon Program Director – MAGR 2000 navigation system Joint Navy/Air Force/Army/Marines.
1991 – 1999 Space programs: directing 26 various space technology programs.
1990 – Winner of Hughes’s “Must Win” program: Thermal Weapon Sight (TWS).
1987 – Battle Tank Drivers’ Thermal Viewer Development Program Director.
1984 – Winner of US Army C-Nite Cobra Helicopter Night Fighting TOW Anti Tank Missile System; Designed, Managed Development to Production Programs.
1969 – Hughes Aircraft Co. Master fellow, Designer, developer of TSEM for US Army Cobra Attack helicopters, simultaneously serving military duties.
1969 – 1971 Served military duties while working on airborne TOW anti-tank missile system (XM65) at Hughes Aircraft Co.
Humanitarian Activities in Armenia and Artsakh
1988 – Organized team of parishioners in St. James Armenian Church to collect container full of material & money to help Spitak’s earthquake victims in Armenia.
1992 – Lead 5 Armenian patriotic organizations in Los Angeles to raise $75,000, purchased urgently needed commercial Alenco transceivers, delivered to General Babayan’s forces fighting for independence of Artsakh.
- – Lead the team of 5 patriotic organizations that developed and conducted the Thanksgiving Day Telethon in USA that has become an annual tradition since. Arranged worldwide transmissions to TV channels with fundraising programs to raise funds for Medical Outreach projects in Armenia and Artsakh. Conducted for three consecutive years. Then successfully transferred the developed process to Armenia Fund organization, which is continuing as an annual tradition to date.
1993 – Designed and delivered needed none-line-of-sight unique wireless communication system to help General Samvel Babayan during Artsakh war.
1999 – Initiator and manager of Araler military base hospital project; a Friends of Armenia humanitarian project near southern border of Artsakh; Served many wounded soldiers of the war. Operational to date.
1998 to Present – FOA’s Armenia branch president: over 76 projects valued $4,213,832 in Armenia and Artsakh. See FOA website: www.foa.com
1995 to Present – Knights of Vartan Organization Commander, Artaz Lodge.
1999 to Present – Armenian Engineers & Scientists of America president in 2002. Successfully started Science Olympiad Project that continues to date.